
Capstone Blog Post 6: New Stages!


We spent this sprint not only mocking up new stage designs with our artist, but we also spent our time focusing on how we could use color in different stages to fight in. we decided on going with a 2D perspective this sprint because we ran into a multitude of issues trying out the perspective camera which simply weren’t worth figuring it out when we were already having trouble getting our game to look similar to how it does in a 2D perspective. Either way this perspective has grown on us and we have found a solid pipeline to making these stages now. We have updated the lighthouse level to reflect this change as well as created two different stages that show how we could use color in our different stages. A ferris wheel with each cart being a different color allowing the player to hide while moving, and a test of using color attached to physics objects in our third level, featuring lava lamps. These lamps have another property which is when players are fully charged up and they hit the lavalamp it will burst and create a permanent splat of that color on the map before destroying the lamp. If you are not fully charged the lamp can be pushed around by hitting it with your sword.

This sprint we spent our time really trying to figure out how stages could use color effectively and we will continue to be iterating on interesting movements of color within our stages in coming sprints. All of our stages are trying to be more vertical to get players to use the grappling hook more then they have been.

Dylan Alter