
Capstone Blog Post 10: Player Feedback

As our focus has shifted from getting major features into the game to polishing those features, we set out to work on lots of various items left in our backlog. Our big change that was player facing was the addition of a moving camera. We saw in class as well as player testing that the movement had a lot of issues do to bad tweaks we made in feel when we originally put it in. So we rectified the biggest complaints such as the jerkiness of the camera when players screen-wrapped horizontally by reworking the design of the stage to only use vertical screen-wrap instead since it stopped making sense really for players to wrap around horizontally once we enlarged the stage.

We also completely reworked our games UI to better tell players what is going on. This constituted a visual redesign as well as the addition of a visual bar for the players health. Players wanted more feedback for when players died and so we made it incredibly hard to miss. We now have the health bar, slow-mo when a player dies and chromatic aberration to add to the effect. We also created a universal design language for interactable objects within our level. Anything with a glint particle effect can be interacted with. Overall we also cleaned up our visual effects to promote clarity, this had led to the game feeling far better.

Dylan Alter