
Capstone Blog Post 3: Color!

We spent a large portion of this week trying to figure out how we would implement color within to our game. We wanted to continue using the idea that players could hide away into certain color and be exposed in the others but aside from that we didn’t have much else tied to the colors. So we set out first to figure out what that would mean. We started by trying to figure out what color means, we eventually looked at color psychology to see what each color is associated with in terms of emotions and its effects on the brain as inspiration. Through our research we decided what some interesting powers could be based off this.

Concept Art for Color Specials
  • Blue: Slow effect on all other players

  • Red: Big AOE attack that is an insta kill

  • Yellow: Spin Charge Attack

  • Green: AOE Giga-drain (lifesteal ) Attack

  • Orange: Getting hit becomes health on hit

  • Violet: Gives the player a crown and cape and the player becomes temporarily invincible

With this basis in mind we set out to develop a scene in our game which showed the basic interactions of color within the game and set ourselves up to implement this system. We think that this will make for an interesting addition to combat but also helps tie in color more into the combat systems of our game. In addition to this we needed a system to trigger these attacks. So we added a charge meter to our game so that each player can charge this meter up when they are in their complementary color rather then their own color to encourage movement around the map. When this charge meter is less then full it applies knockback to enemies when they are hit with a melee attack equal to how much charge they have at the time of the attack. When players have a full charge bar they can activate their special attack which will take the form of one of the above attacks depending on what color it is activated in. Along with this, we have added projectiles which are recharged by being in your own color at a faster rate then when the player is not in their own color. We feel this definitely helps tie in color to our combat systems while also giving players incentives to move in and out of their color. In terms of hiding our rules for how this currently works is that you are hidden in your color and exposed in others but when you go into a blended color like purple both players become visible.

Color Blending
Dylan Alter