
Short Giraffe Post 4: Pipeline

This sprint we have been focused on pipeline improvements. Along with working on bosses and systems associated with them, I will now be assisting the level designers create their levels quickly by helping them implement mechanics into the levels. In order to make the process easy for everyone involved, I made sure when designing how these mechanics would be implemented that the other designers shouldn’t have to touch code ever when creating their levels. This meant using a framework that is both easy to understand but also easy to use. In order to do this I decided to use the UnityEvent system as our foundation for these systems. The UnityEvent System lets you easily link game objects and actions together to essentially create an easy drag and drop method of setting up puzzles within levels. This allows everyone regardless of coding knowledge to easily implement puzzles with confidence.

Having all of our puzzle mechanics built on top of this system makes it incredibly powerful and easy to combine any one mechanics actions with any other. This allows all of our mechanics to be built in a very modular fashion which will lead to more varied multi-step puzzles. A win win for everyone!

Dylan Alter