
Short Giraffe Post 7: Our second boss and end cutscene

A lot has changed since the inception of the first draft of the second boss. As the project draws closer to a close we have decided to make the second boss encounter similar to the first. We realized that teaching new mechanics to the player was not a smart idea so we decided to make the final boss scene a race to the finish. Agent G will be chased by the Meerkat Don boss once again, this time in space!

In this encounter, the Don will chase the player as they use their jet pack to traverse the entirety of the level. As the player goes in and out of the work in progress super heat lamp the Meerkat’s have been working on, the player must get to the comically big red button at the end of the level before the Don does. Doing so will trigger our end game cut scene which shows the space station blowing up. As the space station blows up in an epic explosion, Agent G will fly towards the screen and the screen will cut to black and then the credits will roll.

This level proved to be a technical challenge as unlike our first bosses path through the level, the level is not a simple left to right path. Because the player is in zero-g, the boss has the ability to get in front of the player. This meant that I needed to make a respawn system that will reset the boss behind the player if they get in front of the player. If this happens, the boss will know that it is not visible on screen anymore and then teleport behind the player. This proved to be a unique challenge in setting up as the player always needs to feel threatened within the level. While this encounter went through lots of reworks, I’m happy with how it came out. I think our last boss and the ending cut scene make for an epic fitting send off to Agent G. Now push that red button, I dare you!

Dylan Alter