
Short Giraffe Post 8: Getting the game ready for the senior show

As our main development cycle comes to a close and the senior show looms, the pace to get things ready grows faster. Now that all of the puzzles of the game are built, my role has become maintaining our puzzles and making adjustments as directed by the level designers on our team. The Unity Event system which is how our puzzle elements work together and interact has proven to be a great backbone for the game. While no system is without flaws, the puzzle architecture proved to be quick and easy to mass produce puzzles for levels within Short Giraffe. If it wasn’t for using this system I know our teams velocity would have been much slower. This also allowed me and other team members who weren’t as technically inclined to go into the engine and quickly diagnose issues. I’m very proud of my team for being able to get over twenty levels completed within six months each with at least four different puzzles in them all using different puzzle elements.

Now that we are done producing content we are going into full bug fix mode for the senior show. It’s a very exciting time for sure.

Dylan Alter